Basic Beliefs of the Church

What separates the beliefs of the church from the myriad of philosophical or religious systems so prevalent in our day? What is a follower of Jesus really to believe and, for that matter, which beliefs are central and non-negotiable? Basic Beliefs of the Church is a Study that examines twelve (12) key teachings in Christianity that will help answer these questions, looking to what God has revealed to us in the Bible for clarity, guidance and motivation.


This Session provides us with an important backdrop to the study of doctrines by establishing the authority and accuracy of where those doctrines originate: the Bible. We will walk through what the Bible says about itself and why we believe it is vital to engage in its study.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 1 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Purchase Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem online and read Chapter 1. Memorize 2 Timothy 3.14-17.


We will discuss the difficult, yet thoroughly biblical, concept of the Trinity—one God in the three personalities of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 2 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 2 & 3 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize 2 Corinthians 3:17-18.


This Session will continue to unpack the ramifications of the Tri-Unity of God, focusing specifically on the person of Jesus Christ. We will look at his deity, humanity, birth, ministry, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, all with the purpose of discovering the relationship with God that is found through him.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 3 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapter 9 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize John 1:1-5.


This Session will continue to unpack the ramifications of the Tri-Unity of God, focusing specifically on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to discover the role and activity of the Spirit in the church and the power for mission and gospel proclamation he extends to the church.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions and material that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 4 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 4 & 15 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize John 16:13-14.


We will examine key passages in the Bible that teach about God’s purpose for creating human beings, their tragic descent into sin and the plans God still has for those that bear his image.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions and material that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 5 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 7, 8, & 16 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize Psalm 8:3-6.


Salvation is one of the key concepts that unites the entire biblical story together and demonstrates the wonderful reality of God’s love and grace. This Session will look to unpack the significance of salvation and its implication for the church.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions and material that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 6 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 10 & 14 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize Ephesians 2:8-10.


In this Session, we will discuss the nature and purpose of the church, the assembly or “body” of people who have placed their faith in Jesus and are now mobilized for mission.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions and material that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 7 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapter 17 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize Ephesians 2:19-22.


The reality of Jesus’ presence in the hearts of his followers means that conformity to his likeness will occur in discipleship to him—where our thoughts and actions look increasingly like his. This Session will look to identify a few of the common, biblically support aspects of life transformation in Christ that a follower would expect to experience.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 8 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapter 13 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize Galatians 5:22-25.


This Session will walk through the two (2) ordinances or commands of Jesus to his followers: baptism and communion. We will look to articulate the importance of each practice and bring clarity to the meaning behind them.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 9 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Baptism and Communion handouts accompanying this Session. Memorize Romans 6:4, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 & John 13:14-15.


The Bible speaks of Satan in a number of different ways, as “the Adversary,” the “accuser of the brethren,” the “deceiver,” and the “father of lies.” We will look to discover the work of Satan as a means to make us more aware of his schemes and see how God has equipped the church to respond and overcome his efforts.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 10 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapter 6 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize 1 Peter 5:8-9.


In this Session, we will discuss the nature of the Second Coming of Christ—that it is real, visible, personal, inevitable and imminent. Special attention will be paid to the unique application that this doctrine has for Christ-followers in the present day.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 11 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapter 18 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.


The future life is linked with the promise of resurrection and life with God forever in the new heavens and new earth. This Session will explore the meaning and significance of these concepts and provide a biblical motivation for “resurrection living” in the present.

Step 1: Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.

Step 2: Watch the Session 12 video with the person or group you are meeting with.

Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions.

Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 19 & 20 of Christian Beliefs. Memorize 1 Corinthians 15:20-24.