Interpersonal Relationships
Relationships are challenging. They expose the great (joy!) and the not-so-great (pain!) about others…and about us. Not surprisingly, the Bible has a lot to offer in terms of shaping our perspective toward the nature of interpersonal relationships–why they are important, what their purpose is, and how we can engage in them well. This 6-Session Study will help you navigate the winding road of relationships and demonstrate the one relationship that helps make sense of all the rest.
An introduction into theme and purpose of the Study. This Session will frame the conversation around the spiritual nature of relationships, highlight God’s role in relational conflict and explain why these concepts will be important to understand going forward.
Step 1:Â Download the discussion questions and material that accompany this session.
Step 2:Â Watch the session 1 video with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 3:Â Talk through the discussion questions with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) –Purchase Understanding People by Dr. Larry Crabb online. Read the Introduction and Chapter 2 of Understanding People.
We’ll discuss the Johari Window, a tool that serves to help develop a more well-rounded awareness of how we operate as human beings and how we commonly view ourselves. We’ll also launch a more detailed discussion about pain and how God uses it to develop faith.
Step 1:Â Download the discussion questions and material that accompany this session.
Step 2:Â Watch the session 2 video with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 3:Â Download the Johari Window worksheet that accompanies this Session.
Step 4:Â Talk through the discussion questions (using the Johari Window worksheet as appropriate).
Step 5: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 3 & 4 of Understanding People. Fill out the Johari Window worksheet with another person or in your group while in discussion. Memorize 1 John 1:9 and 1 Peter 1:6-9.
How do our past experiences influence our attitudes and behaviors? Do these affect our ability to relate well with others and, if so, to what degree? This Session will stress the importance of understanding our past so we can be better equipped to deal with our pain and have more meaningful connections with others.
Step 1:Â Download the discussion questions that accompany this Session
Step 2:Â Watch the session 3 video with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 3: Talk through the discussion questions (we encourage you to download the Erickson’s 8 Stages of Development resource with this Session as you converse together).
Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 5 & 6 of Understanding People. Watch Part 1 of the Roundtable Discussion that accompanies this Session. Memorize Philippians 4:11-13 and James 1:2-4.
For some, recognizing pain is far easier than learning the hard process of actually dealing with it. We’ll take a look at both healthy and unhealthy reactions to pain and offer some practical tools to begin dealing with it effectively.
Step 1:Â Download the discussion questions that accompany this Session
Step 2:Â Watch the session 4 video with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 3:Â Talk through the discussion questions.
Step 3:Â Read Chapter 7 of Understanding People. Watch Part 2 of the Roundtable Discussion that accompanies this Session. Memorize John 8:31-32 and Psalm 107:1-2 (the last preferably in a translation of your choice and the New Living Translation).
What does it mean to see relationships as first and foremost spiritual? This Session will dive into the spiritual warfare that is waged behind the scenes when conflict and tension appear in relationships. We’ll look to unpack a biblical approach to relationships in a way that prepares us for authentic reconciliation and healing.
Step 1:Â Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.
Step 2:Â Watch the session 5 video with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 3:Â Talk through the discussion questions.
Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapter 9 of Understanding People. Read the attached article Forgiveness & Reconciliation by Tim Keller. Memorize Ephesians 6:10-12 and Galatians 5:22-25.
For some, recognizing pain is far easier than learning the hard process of actually dealing with it. We’ll take a look at both healthy and unhealthy reactions to pain and offer some practical tools to begin dealing with it effectively.
Step 1:Â Download the discussion questions that accompany this session.
Step 2:Â Watch the session 6 video with the person or group you are meeting with.
Step 3:Â Talk through the discussion questions.
Step 4: HOMEWORK (Optional) – Read Chapters 12 & 13 and the Conclusion of Understanding People. Watch the Roundtable Discussion that accompanies this Session. Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17-19.